Researchers: Shiell, Glenn, Dr (Author, Principal investigator)
Brief description Data were collected to: - i) investigate the spatial distribution and temporal changes in the biology of H.whitmaei (Bell, 1887)(from the perspective of activity, feeding and reproduction), and, - ii) provide an overall synthesis of the results, whilst placing an emphasis on the strategies that may have facilitated the persistence of H. whitmaei in outer reef environments; zones which due to their physical and oceanographic characteristics, could be considered unfavourable for deposit feeding, broadcast spawners.
Lineage Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlanned
Lineage Statement: See individual chapter methodology
Data time period: 2003-08
text: westlimit=113.73; southlimit=-23.21; eastlimit=113.78; northlimit=-23.1
- global : 1fb514f0-3045-11dc-95ce-00188b4c0af8