
Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 05/2008 Raw Data Tapes and Documentation

Australian Ocean Data Network
CSIRO O&A, Information & Data Centre (Point of contact)
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ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id= Surveyor Voyage SS 05/2008 Raw Data Tapes and Documentation&rft.identifier=Anzlic Identifier: ANZCW0306008073&rft.publisher=Australian Ocean Data Network&rft.description=Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 05/2008 This list includes ALL data backup media and documentation returned to CMAR Data Centre after this voyage: Data Backups (Media Type - Media Label - Media location): - LTO tape - SS200805 SS2 Final Backup tape 2 - Sent to Floreat 22 April 2008 - LTO tape - SS200805 SS2 Final Backup tape 3 - Hobart Marine Labs, Block1, Data Centre MNF Media Cabinet - LTO tape - SS200805 SS-User tape 2 - Hobart Marine Labs, Block 3, Remote Sensing Compactus, Data Centre archive box 2 Paper Documents - Bridge Logs (3pp) - Computing Checklists (3pp) All paper records have been scanned to PDF and are available via links in ths record. These documents are archived at Hobart Marine Labs, Block1, Data Centre compactus, Southern Surveyor archive box 2008-1, Folder SS 5/2008 and logged in Trim Context. - Trim References: Container: AB2008/1040 Folder: C2008/6936 - Digital Documents (available on-line via links in this MarLIN record) Computing Report (not recieved) Electronics Report - Links in this record will work for PROCESSING STAFF ONLY. Scientific staff may request copies via Documentation is on the internal network: \processedVoyageData [voyage] \global_docs. The raw data will be archived by the CSIRO Data Access Portal in 2015.Progress Code: completedMaintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededStatement: Data source: original field data All raw data tapes, handwritten voyage documentation, log sheets, Computing and Electronics reports, and any other media or documentation are returned to the CMAR Data Centre at the end of the voyage by the Computing support person and one other. All handwritten log sheets completed during the voyage are scanned to PDF by CMAR Data Centre staff, and available via internal network \processedVoyageData [voyage] \global_docs. Raw data for voyages prior to 2010 will be retrieved from LTO Tape and added to the local rawVoyageData network area. This raw data archive will be archived by the CSIRO Data Access Portal in 2015.&rft.creator=Anonymous&; southlimit=-44; eastlimit=149; northlimit=-34&rft.coverage=westlimit=132; southlimit=-44; eastlimit=149; northlimit=-34&rft_rights=This data is intended for use for voyage participants of the Marine National Facility for processing and QCing of data collected.&rft_subject=oceans&rft_subject=Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Pressure | Water Pressure&rft_subject=Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Temperature | Sea Surface Temperature&rft_subject=Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Temperature | Water Temperature&rft_subject=Earth Science | Oceans | Salinity/Density | Salinity&rft_subject=CTDs (Conductivity-Temperature-Depth Profilers)&rft_subject=Data Loggers&rft_subject=Meteorological Instruments&rft_subject=Research Voyage: SS 05/2008&rft_subject=Sub-Antarctic Zone (SAZ) Project (Antarctic CRC) 1997-2008&rft_subject=Ship: Southern Surveyor&rft_subject=Practical salinity of the water body&rft_subject=Temperature of the water body&rft_subject=Pressure (measured variable) in the water body exerted by overlying sea water and any medium above it&rft_subject=Pressure (measured variable) in the water body exerted by overlying sea water only&rft_subject=CTD&rft_subject=research vessel&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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This data is intended for use for voyage participants of the Marine National Facility for processing and QCing of data collected.



Brief description

Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 05/2008 This list includes ALL data backup media and documentation returned to CMAR Data Centre after this voyage: Data Backups (Media Type - Media Label - Media location): - LTO tape - SS200805 SS2 Final Backup tape 2 - Sent to Floreat 22 April 2008 - LTO tape - SS200805 SS2 Final Backup tape 3 - Hobart Marine Labs, Block1, Data Centre MNF Media Cabinet - LTO tape - SS200805 SS-User tape 2 - Hobart Marine Labs, Block 3, Remote Sensing Compactus, Data Centre archive box 2 Paper Documents - Bridge Logs (3pp) - Computing Checklists (3pp) All paper records have been scanned to PDF and are available via links in ths record. These documents are archived at Hobart Marine Labs, Block1, Data Centre compactus, Southern Surveyor archive box 2008-1, Folder SS 5/2008 and logged in Trim Context. - Trim References: Container: AB2008/1040 Folder: C2008/6936 - Digital Documents (available on-line via links in this MarLIN record) Computing Report (not recieved) Electronics Report - Links in this record will work for PROCESSING STAFF ONLY. Scientific staff may request copies via Documentation is on the internal network: \processedVoyageData [voyage] \global_docs. The raw data will be archived by the CSIRO Data Access Portal in 2015.


Progress Code: completed
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeeded
Statement: Data source: original field data All raw data tapes, handwritten voyage documentation, log sheets, Computing and Electronics reports, and any other media or documentation are returned to the CMAR Data Centre at the end of the voyage by the Computing support person and one other. All handwritten log sheets completed during the voyage are scanned to PDF by CMAR Data Centre staff, and available via internal network \processedVoyageData [voyage] \global_docs. Raw data for voyages prior to 2010 will be retrieved from LTO Tape and added to the local rawVoyageData network area. This raw data archive will be archived by the CSIRO Data Access Portal in 2015.


Raw data tapes and voyage computing support documentation written by Lindsay Pender. Electronics: Drew Mills.

Data time period: 2008-04-05 to 2008-04-07

This dataset is part of a larger collection

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149,-34 149,-44 132,-44 132,-34 149,-34


text: westlimit=132; southlimit=-44; eastlimit=149; northlimit=-34

Other Information
Marine National Facility (Documentation Link)

uri :

  • Local : Anzlic Identifier: ANZCW0306008073
  • Local : Marlin Record Number: 8073
  • global : bc1b3741-e58e-5039-e044-00144f7bc0f4