Service or Tool

South East Queensland Integrated Terrestrial to Ocean Research

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]]

Full description

The SEQuITOR (South East Queensland Integrated Terrestrial to Oceans Research) harnesses investments and innovations in observation networks (e.g. TERN, IMOS, ANDS, State agency, CSIRO) and integrates catchment and receiving environment modelling to develop data delivery, assimilation and visualisation infrastructure that will allow researchers and managers to better understand the strong, but often highly episodic (e.g. floods) connection between activities in the catchment and the effects on downstream coastal and marine aquatic water quality and ecosystem health.

SEQuITOR tool will consist of three primary components:

  • time series data services
  • geospatial data and catalogue services
  • visualisation portal
Time series data services
The time series data services will be handled by CSIRO's SensorCloud system. SensorCloud provides a server-side, configurable tool for ingesting data from a range of sources. These data sources will come from data providers on a routine basis. SensorCloud is able to consume data from a wide variety of sources inluding OGC services, databases, FTP locations and many others.
Geospatial data and catalogue services
The geospatial and catalogue service layer will utilise three primary tools - GeoServer, GeoNetwork and THREDDS data server. Data and metadata, where possible, will be harvested from data providers using these tools. For organisations which do not have the technical capabilities to host their own data in a public space, data will be hosted by the SEQuITOR project and appopriate update mechanisms put in place to ensure that data remains current.
Visualisation portal
The SEQuITOR visualisation portal will be using the Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN) as the initial code base and the SEQITOR team will be working with the AODN development team to share developments.


This software is currently being built using funding from the ANDS Applications program.

This service record in Research Data Australia (RDA) therefore does not (yet) point to a functioning software tool, nor can it (yet) be linked to any output collection(s) derived through the use of the tool.

When the functional software tool is available, this RDA service record will be modifed to reflect these changes.

Delivery method


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  • Local : 102.100.100/10064