Brief description
Focussed habitat sampling of macrohabitats (defined by bottom type, soft hard or rough) in Gabo and Howe Reef mesohabitats (key study areas presenting a variety of shelf habitats described by fishers) using gillnets from a commercial vessel. Gillnets were deployed and retrieved at dawn and dusk giving near equal day/night soaking times. 15 deployments (1 trial soak and 14 sampling stations) yielded ~0.5 t fish.Lineage
Progress Code: completed
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeeded
Statement: Data source: field surveys; methodology and fishing gear descriptions in Williams and Bax (2001)
CreditFRDC Funding (grant 94/40)
Alan Williams
Alan Williams
Nic Bax + others
Nic Bax + others
Data time period: 1994 to 1994
text: westlimit=146.3; southlimit=-40.3; eastlimit=151.5; northlimit=-37.4; projection=AGD84
text: uplimit=-50; downlimit=-200
Coastal Waters (Australia) | New South Wales Coast, NSW |
Coastal Waters (Australia) | Victoria Coast, VIC |
Countries | Australia |
Earth Science | Biological Classification | Animals/Vertebrates | Fish |
Earth Science | Biosphere | Aquatic Ecosystems | Demersal Habitat |
Earth Science | Biosphere | Aquatic Ecosystems | Reef Habitat |
Earth Science | Biosphere | Ecological Dynamics | Ecosystem Functions | Biomass Dynamics |
Gill Nets |
Global / Oceans | Pacific Ocean |
Habitat and fisheries production in the south east fishery ecosystem (FRDC project no. 94/040) 1994-1997 |
Marine Features (Australia) | Bass Strait, TAS/VIC |
Regional Seas | Tasman Sea |
Research Voyage: EJ 4/94 |
Ship: Erin Jay |
Vessel Data: Catch (by voyage) |
biota |
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Other Information
- Local : Anzlic Identifier: ANZCW0306007039
- Local : Marlin Record Number: 7039
- global : 3353be41-1363-4242-961e-c3b332358482