
Smart CMOS Vision Sensors in Deep Sub-0.25um CMOS Technologies [ 2002-04-03 - 2005-03-03 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Dr Farid Boussaid (Postdoctoral Fellow)

Brief description Smart CMOS Vision Sensors in Deep Sub-0.25um CMOS Technologies. This research project aims to develop a new generation of smart vision sensors featuring on-chip and pixel-level implementation of human vision based algorithms. Built in state-of-the-art deep sub-0.25um CMOS technologies, these imagers will feature extensive in-pixel processing power in contrast to the currently commercially available CMOS vision sensors. This will enable on-chip vision-based decision making but also increased on-chip image processing. These innovative system-on-chip features will contribute towards the positioning of CMOS imaging technology as the technology of choice for most digital imaging applications, in place of the existing, and so far unchallenged, CCD technology.\r\n

Funding Amount $222,932

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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