
Shire of Narracan (Water Board)

Public Record Office Victoria
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The Shire of Narracan VA 2245 was nominated under the provisions of the Water and Sewerage Authorities (Restructuring) Act 1983 by Order -in - Council of 20 December, 1983 to succeed the following authorities with effect from 1 January, 1984:

Name of body and Date Constituted-

Erica Waterworks Trust- 22 March 1966, VA 4123
Thorpdale Waterworks Trust- 7 November 1962, VA 4131
Trafalgar Waterworks Trust- 13 October 1924, VA 4132
Yallourn North Waterworks Trust- 5 March 1957, VA 4135
Yarragon Waterworks Trust- 1 August 1950, VA 2336
Shire of Narracan Sewerage Authority- 11 October 1977 VA 4130
Yallourn North Sewerage Authority- 18 May 1965, VA 4134

On the 1 January, 1985, the Council became the responsible authority for the township of Rawson including water and sewerage facilities.

The municipal councils exercised any poweres, functions or duties confirred on them as if they were Water Boards consittuted under the Water and Sewerage Authorities (Restructuring Act) 1983 No 9895.


The function was transferred to the Latrobe Region Water Authority , VA 4688 in 1991

Data time period: [1984 TO 1991]

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