Brief description
This data is from the 2021 Seeds for Snapper season which is a community volunteer seed based seagrass restoration program located in Perth, Western Australia. It details the effort that went into the collection of Posidonia australis seagrass fruit including number of divers, number of shore support personnel, volunteered hours, and fruit collection metrics (volume, estimated number).Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: none-plannedData time period: 2021-11-15 to 2021-12-10
text: westlimit=115.66028252798347; southlimit=-32.14246926439511; eastlimit=115.76327935415534; northlimit=-32.115139284149954
text: uplimit=4; downlimit=0
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(DATA ACCESS - seed collection data [direct download .xlsx])
(WEBPAGE - Seeds for Snapper website)
uri :
global : 8e403cca-19c9-498e-9e60-077646a3b0fc
- global : 107e6eab-b647-4310-9bc5-a4792ebbf25b
- DOI : 10.25959/QYP7-TJ13