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The database compiles published data (in Lafratta et al. 2023, Marine Pollution Bulletin) on physical, biogeochemical and chemical characteristics (coordinates, cm compressed and decompressed, dry weight (DW), dry bulk density (DBD), Pb, Zn and Cd concentrations analysed at Edith Cowan University (ECU), Pb, Zn and Cd concentrations analysed at University Autonoma of Barcelona (UAB), final Pb, Zn and Cd concentrations, organic carbon content (%), < 63 µm sediment particles content (%) and Pb isotopes ratio) of soils underneath Posidonia australis seagrass meadows in Port Pirie, South Australia. Cumulative dry mass, total and excess Pb-210 concentrations are also included. The dataset includes data for a total of twelve cores (PP1, PP2, PP3, PP4, PP5, PP6, PP7, PP8, PP9, PP11 and A15) plus two addition cores (PP10 and PP12) for which only raw data of metal concentrations are provided, as per associated manuscript.
For the twelve main cores, values in black represent the “operating period”, while values in blue represent the “pre-operation period” (check associated manuscript for details).
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- DOI : 10.25958/AJQD-GJ96