Brief description
This seagrass habitat map was produced by the ACEAS Seagrass working group as part of the seagrass habitat risk modelling effort. The map identified seagrass presence based on 1) on the NISB (National Intertidal-Subtidal Benthic) Habitat Map created by the University of Tasmania for a partnership between the Department of Climate Change and the National Land and Water Resources Audit, 2) UNEP WCMC Seagrass map 2005, 3) publications/reports and 4) expert knowledge/personal observation.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlannedNotes
Credit1) As part of ACEAS Seagrass Working Group: Vanessa Lucieer (University of Tasmania), Lynda Radke (Geoscience Australia), Mitchell Lyons(University of NSW), Phillippa Bricher (University of Tasmania) Patricia von Baumgarten (DEWNR) Jonathan Hodge (CSIRO, ACEF, TERN) Jeff Ross (University of Tasmania) Len McKenzie, James Cook University
Created: 2013-11
Modified: 2014-02
Data time period: 1984 to 2013
text: westlimit=149.171; southlimit=-37.9072; eastlimit=153.953; northlimit=-27.9641; projection=GDA94 (EPSG:4283)
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uri :
global : c2fd5b58-4bb7-42f3-86d8-0b7fd54596be
- global : 6c35d098-58de-4c90-8e10-b370c38323aa
- DOI : 10.4227/05/54F7CBFAEAB85
- global : b9ddbd3d-ae40-482c-bf49-371353df53e8