Brief description
This was the fifth research expedition for the Seagrass cruises. The expedition was conducted in Gulf St Vincent, Investigator Strait, Boston Bay and Spencer Gulf, South Australia in April 1994. The research vessel used was the Ngerin, owned by the South Australian Department of Fisheries.Lineage
Statement: The data was digitised in December 1998, so that it could be to added to the oceanography data base. Only the station positions, oceanographic and meteorological data were digitised. The data was taken from the raw data sheets and also from photocopied summaries of the data collected on the cruise. The data sheets contained various measurements which had been collected and recorded for each sampling station within the cruise itinerary. It should be noted that some measurements were not recorded on these sheets and therefore could not be digitised. Data parameters: depth (metres), wind direction (degrees), wind speed (knots), air temperature (oC), pressure (decibars), water temperature (oC), salinity, potential density (sigmatheta), sound velocity, conductivity (s/m), scan, velocity (nbin).Notes
CreditBye, John, Flinders University
Mitchell, Jim, Flinders University
Havenhand, Joh, Flinders University
Matsumoto, George, Flinders University
Singe, Stephen
The aims of the expedition were: 1. To determine the cause, fate, and biological impact of the high concentrations of chlorophyll found along the east coast of Gulf St. Vincent, 2. to survey the diversity of marine animals between the 50m contour and the continental shelf break, 3. to determine how the Bight and Spencer Gulf contribute to the plankton communities in Investigator Strait, Gulf St. Vincent and Encounter Bay.
Created: 06 11 2007
Data time period: 1994-04-22 to 1994-04-26
text: westlimit=137.13; southlimit=-35.75; eastlimit=138.5; northlimit=-34.25
text: uplimit=53; downlimit=0
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