Brief description
Digitised habitat layers for the New South Wales continental shelf predominantly to 3NM. The shape file contains polygons of areas of 1) reef and 2) unconsolidated seafloor types as interpreted from a number of remote sensing methods predominantly mulitbeam, LIDAR (LADS) and Aerial Imagery obtained in surveys across 2005-2013.
Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlanned
Statement: The New South Wales Marine Seabed Habitat layer is a resource developed by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (Coasts and Marine) and NSW Department of Primary Industries - Fisheries). The layer is based predominantly upon 3 main remote sensing methods/data types: 1) swath sonar (mulitbeam); 2) Aerial digital imagery (ADS40) and 3) Laser Airborne Depth Sounder (LADS). NSW OEH have conducted seabed mapping surveys over continental shelf areas of NSW since January 2005. In 2009 the then Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water compiled all available continental shelf seafloor sediment and habitat information. Since this time NSW OEH has continued to conduct seabed mapping with inter-agency funding from the NSW Marine Parks Authority, coastal Catchment Management Authorities, NSW Fisheries, NERP Biodiversity Hub and Commonwealth Department of Environment. In addition, the NSW Department of Public Works combined single beam and towed-sidescan surveys to ~60m water depth from Port Hacking to Avoca in the 1980s. These data were used to produce the Sydney Seabed Series of maps delineating 5 seabed types across the region. LADS data are more recent, with flight surveys over the Central Coast, Port Stephens, Byron Bay and Tweed in 2008 and 2011. Aerial digital imagery (ADS40) is captured by NSW Land and Property Information and supplied to government departments for various purposes including natural resource management. Original mapping of the nearshore using aerial photos was conducted by Avery (2005). NSW OEH regularly reviews and updates these nearshore habitat layers using the ADS40 imagery as part of the states contribution to the National Oil Spill Response Atlas (Australian Maritime Safety Authority and Transport NSW). For multibeam and LADS data, the geo-referenced depth and sidescan/reflectance/backscatter data, when processed is used to digitise areas of rocky reef by hand at a constant scale of 1:2,000 or finer using a combination of the bathymetry and backscatter, with a minimum mapping unit of approximately 20 m depending on the complexity of the seafloor features. Reef as interpreted from aerial imagery is digitised where visible from the shoreline to a depth of ~20m depending on water and/or atmospheric conditions. Multiple images are used to reconcile features where available while still considering temporal variability. Where multiple remotely sensed data exists for an area, generally, the mulitbeam interpretation is used in precedence to LADS and then Aerial. The geometry of the habitat layer was repaired using the Repair Geometry tool within ArcToolbox, cleaned using ETGeowizards, and dissolved using ArcToolbox. Recent updates of the layer involved using the Update and Union tools within ArcGIS to update areas of swath that had been changed since the last version of the habitat layer. Topology was built and there were no overlaps present. The attribute table was edited to simplify the data and remove unnecessary information. An intuitive estimate of attribute accuracy is provided here. The horizontal precision of hand digitised polygons are generally better than 15m. Polygons were hand digitised at a scale of no less than 1:2500 and based around the idenitification of bins (2x2m) as either data or no data. Due to the coarseness of hand digitising some data gaps may be included within the polygon and small areas of data excluded from the polygon. Overall map accuracy was calculated to be 81.56%, using video groundtruthing data compared to digitised polygons. User accuracy for reef areas was slightly higher, at 84.05%, while accuracy for Non-reef areas was 79.36%. The Tau coefficient (T) was 0.69.
New South Wales Marine Parks Authority
National Environmental Research Program (NERP) Marine Biodiversity Hub