Brief description
Chlorophyll data was used to measure growth rates of sea ice algae in CO2 incubations. Sea ice brine microalgae was collected from sackholes. Replicate samples were incubated in ambient air (~0.04% CO2), 0.1% CO2, 1.0% CO2 and 2.0% CO2 concentrations. Three incubation experiments were carried out at SIPEX stations 4 (expt 1) 7 (expt 3) and 8 (expt 4). Growth rate calcualtions followed a standard exponential growth model, i.e Bf = Bi x e(rt) Where Bf equals final biomass, Bi equals initial biomass, r = growth rate and t = time (in days).Lineage
Progress Code: completedData time period: 2012-09-14 to 2012-11-16
text: westlimit=113.0; southlimit=-66.0; eastlimit=147.0; northlimit=-42.0
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