
Satellite Tracked Buoy Data 1975 - 1995

Australian Ocean Data Network
CSIRO O&A, Information & Data Centre (Point of contact)
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ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id= Tracked Buoy Data 1975 - 1995&rft.identifier=Anzlic Identifier: ANZCW0306006492&rft.publisher=Australian Ocean Data Network&rft.description=Buoys were released in the Southern Ocean (in Antarctic waters), in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, in the Tasman Sea and in The Great Australian Bight. 143 deployments were made between 1975 and 1995. The buoys were tracked by the NASA weather satellite NIMBUS-6, and later by the French System ARGOS aboard the satellite TRIOS-N. Buoy types include 4.5 m PVC/fiberglass spars (Cresswell et. al. CSIRO), 5m spars (Australian Bureau of Meteorology), and two variations of 2 m torpedo buoys (Cresswell, Richardson and Wood). Most of the buoys were drouged with 7.2m parachute at 20m depth. Sea surface temperature data was recorded and transmitted to satellite. Buoy drift speed and direction were calculated from successive satellite fixes.Progress Code: completedMaintenance and Update Frequency: notPlannedStatement: Most of the Nimbus satellite data was transcribed by George Cresswell from listings to coding sheets to IBM punch cards (CSIRO support staff assisting)at Cronulla. Postscript files were generated by Graham Wells (CSIRO). PDF files were generated from the postscript files. The data was also sent to the Drifting Buoy Data Assembly Center, Miami, Florida.&rft.creator=Anonymous&; southlimit=-67; eastlimit=-86.5; northlimit=5.3&rft.coverage=westlimit=50.5; southlimit=-67; eastlimit=-86.5; northlimit=5.3&rft_rights=No Restrictions&rft_subject=oceans&rft_subject=Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Circulation | Buoy Position&rft_subject=Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Circulation | Ocean Currents&rft_subject=Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Temperature | Sea Surface Temperature&rft_subject=Global / Oceans | Indian Ocean&rft_subject=Global / Oceans | Pacific Ocean&rft_subject=Global / Oceans | Southern Ocean&rft_subject=Marine Features (Australia) | Great Australian Bight, SA/WA&rft_subject=Regional Seas | Tasman Sea&rft_subject=Regional Seas | Timor Sea&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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Brief description

Buoys were released in the Southern Ocean (in Antarctic waters), in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, in the Tasman Sea and in The Great Australian Bight. 143 deployments were made between 1975 and 1995. The buoys were tracked by the NASA weather satellite NIMBUS-6, and later by the French System ARGOS aboard the satellite TRIOS-N. Buoy types include 4.5 m PVC/fiberglass spars (Cresswell et. al. CSIRO), 5m spars (Australian Bureau of Meteorology), and two variations of 2 m "torpedo" buoys (Cresswell, Richardson and Wood). Most of the buoys were drouged with 7.2m parachute at 20m depth. Sea surface temperature data was recorded and transmitted to satellite. Buoy drift speed and direction were calculated from successive satellite fixes.


Progress Code: completed
Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlanned
Statement: Most of the Nimbus satellite data was transcribed by George Cresswell from listings to coding sheets to IBM punch cards (CSIRO support staff assisting)at Cronulla. Postscript files were generated by Graham Wells (CSIRO). PDF files were generated from the postscript files. The data was also sent to the Drifting Buoy Data Assembly Center, Miami, Florida.


Bureau of Meteorology.

Data time period: 1975-09-24 to 1995-11-30

This dataset is part of a larger collection

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-86.5,5.3 -86.5,-67 50.5,-67 50.5,5.3 -86.5,5.3


text: westlimit=50.5; southlimit=-67; eastlimit=-86.5; northlimit=5.3

Other Information
  • Local : Anzlic Identifier: ANZCW0306006492
  • Local : Marlin Record Number: 6492
  • global : 496f0676-4d41-4de2-aaf9-1a119a35f7ed