Brief description
The Satellite Image Catalogue provides information on satellite imagery used in the Australian Antarctic Program. It includes satellite imagery from IKONOS, Landsat, Quickbird, and SPOT satellites and Russian cameras such as KATE-200, KFA-1000 and MK-4 (from the Resurs-F1 and Resurs-F2 platforms). Not all images that are currently held by the Australian Antarctic Data Centre are available for viewing in the Satellite Image Catalogue, but will be added whenever possible. As additional images are acquired, they will also be added. The images cover the area of the Australian Antarctic Territory. Previews of the images are included where possible. The complete list of satellites/sensors for which the catalogue holds data are as follows: Earth-Observing 1 Hyperion IKONOS IKONOS Landsat ETM+ TM MSS NOAA AVHRR Quickbird Quickbird RADARSAT SAR Resurs MK-4 KFA-1000 KATE-200 SPOT HRG HRV Terra ASTER MODIS RADARSAT AVHRRIssued: 1999-10-07
Data time period: 1990-01-01 to 1998-01-01
text: northlimit=-54.0; southlimit=-90.0; westlimit=45.0; eastLimit=160.0; projection=WGS84
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- global : e04e3512-4174-490f-bbba-67f5eb12bf30