
Sampling of planktonic microorganisms for metagenomic, metaproteomic and metatranscriptomic analyses

Australian Ocean Data Network
Cavicchioli, R., Hoffman, J. and McQuaid, J. ; CAVICCHIOLI, RICK ; HOFFMAN, JEFF ; MCQUAID, JEFF
Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]] Cited: [[ro.stat.cited]] Accessed: [[ro.stat.accessed]]
ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id= of planktonic microorganisms for metagenomic, metaproteomic and metatranscriptomic analyses&rft.identifier= Antarctic Data Centre&rft.description=Large volumes of water (200 - 500 L) were filtered and fractionated by size for various planktonic components: eukaryotic phytoplankton, prokaryotic picoplankton, and marine viruses. Sample sites were chosen to generate the widest diversity, and included planktonic blooms, oligotrophic zones, small polynyas near sea ice, nearshore areas, and Antarctic bottom water from coastal, canyon and deepwater areas. Half of each sample will be used for DNA library construction, and the other half will be used for meta-proteomic analysis. Random shotgun sequencing of the marine genomic libraries should produce a metagenomic snapshot of planktonic life in a variety of marine habitats. This work was completed as part of ASAC project 2899 (ASAC_2899).Progress Code: completedStatement: No known quality issues. GOS stands for Global Ocean Sampling. TFF- Tangential Flow Filtration.&rft.creator=Cavicchioli, R., Hoffman, J. and McQuaid, J. &rft.creator=CAVICCHIOLI, RICK &rft.creator=HOFFMAN, JEFF &rft.creator=MCQUAID, JEFF &; southlimit=-67.0; eastlimit=150; northlimit=-46.0&rft.coverage=westlimit=140; southlimit=-67.0; eastlimit=150; northlimit=-46.0&rft_rights=This metadata record is publicly available.&rft_rights=These data are publicly available from the provided URL.&rft_rights= data set conforms to the CCBY Attribution License ( Please follow instructions listed in the citation reference provided at when using these data. Network Graphic&rft_rights= Commons by Attribution logo&rft_rights=Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)&rft_rights=Legal code for Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 International license&rft_rights=Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)&rft_rights= SCIENCE > BIOSPHERE > ECOSYSTEMS > AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS > PLANKTON > PHYTOPLANKTON&rft_subject=phytoplankton&rft_subject=SHIPS&rft_subject=R/V AA > R/V Aurora Australis&rft_subject=IPY > INTERNATIONAL POLAR YEAR&rft_subject=CASO > Climate of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean&rft_subject=AMD/AU&rft_subject=CEOS&rft_subject=AMD&rft_subject=OCEAN > SOUTHERN OCEAN&rft_subject=GEOGRAPHIC REGION > POLAR&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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Brief description

Large volumes of water (200 - 500 L) were filtered and fractionated by size for various planktonic components: eukaryotic phytoplankton, prokaryotic picoplankton, and marine viruses. Sample sites were chosen to generate the widest diversity, and included planktonic blooms, oligotrophic zones, small polynyas near sea ice, nearshore areas, and Antarctic bottom water from coastal, canyon and deepwater areas. Half of each sample will be used for DNA library construction, and the other half will be used for meta-proteomic analysis. Random shotgun sequencing of the marine genomic libraries should produce a metagenomic snapshot of planktonic life in a variety of marine habitats.

This work was completed as part of ASAC project 2899 (ASAC_2899).


Progress Code: completed
Statement: No known quality issues.

GOS stands for Global Ocean Sampling.
TFF- Tangential Flow Filtration.

Data time period: 2007-12-17 to 2008-01-28

150,-46 150,-67 140,-67 140,-46 150,-46


text: westlimit=140; southlimit=-67.0; eastlimit=150; northlimit=-46.0

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Download point for the data - excel spreadsheet (GET DATA)

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Genomic data obtained during V3 (2008). This is the primary data portal for genomic metadata, and stands for Community cyber-infrastructure for the Advancement of Microbial Ecology Research and Analysis (CAMERA). All genomic data obtained during this cruise will be curated and posted for public consumption at this site, in addition to being deposited in the major public genomic databases. (GET DATA)

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Genbank/NCBI website (GET DATA)

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