
S Frusher

Also known as: Stewart Frusher, Stewart Frusher
National Library of Australia
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Brief description

A/Prof Stewart Frusher
Stewart Frusher has over 30 years of experience in marine research with a focus on fisheries and aquaculture research. A key driver for his research is his passion for demonstrating how sustainable marine resources play a vital role in society. Underpinned by healthy and productive ecosystems, marine resources will continue to contribute to the livelihoods of millions of people worldwide. Over the past couple of decades his research portfolio has shifted from leading programs focused on developing methods for sustainable assessment of key commercial species, to programs evaluating the effects of fishing on marine ecosystems as fisheries moved towards ecosystem based fisheries management (EBFM) and currently to understanding the impacts of climate change on marine resources. Since the start of his research career in Papua New Guinea he was exposed to human side of fishing and he has subsequently championed the need to integrate the human biophysical systems.
  • Climate change impacts and adaptation on marine resources
  • Anthropogenic impacts on marine systems
  • Trans-disciplinary approaches to link biophysical and human systems for sustainable and optimal utilisation of marine resources and biodiversity

  • His current research interests focus on the need to incorporate the different research disciplines: physical and biological sciences, sociology (including Governance) and economics, with the end-users to address the global challenge of climate change impacts on marine resources. In particular, with the combined pressures of a rapidly expanding population and a changing climate, there is the need to provide individuals, communities, industries and governments with the appropriate science to enable future utilisation of the marine domain to meet the demands of food security and sustainable livelihoods – especially for coastal rural communities. Ensuring appropriate adaptation options to increase marine production within a framework that also conserves biodiversity and works towards mitigating carbon emissions is a major challenge and driver for my research.

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    • AuCNLKIN : abv11356383
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