
RV Investigator Voyage IN2015_E02 End of Voyage (EOV) Archive

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSIRO ; Marine National Facility ; Sime, Tegan ; Woodward, Lisa ; Williams, Alan ; Green, Mark
Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]] Cited: [[ro.stat.cited]] Accessed: [[ro.stat.accessed]]
ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id=info:doi10.4225/08/59dc98fc4bbf9&rft.title=RV Investigator Voyage IN2015_E02 End of Voyage (EOV) Archive&rft.identifier= Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation&rft.description=This record describes the End of Voyage archive from the Marine National Facility RV Investigator voyage IN2015_E02. This was a trial voyage for the RV Investigator departing Hobart (TAS) on April 7th and returning to Hobart on April 14th, 2015. The voyage objectives are a combination of specific aims for particular sampling gears and sample types - including conducting benthic biological sampling, the acquisition of high-quality data sets and fully-processed collections of specimens and samples - and to establish processes, safe procedures and workflows in particular areas of the vessel (e.g., working deck areas and sample processing laboratories).\n \nData collected includes: Sherman sled, Smith-McIntyre grab, MNF deep tow camera system, USBL, Multibeam sonar, ADCP, SBP120 Sub-bottom Profiler, Corer, Deep BRUV lander, CSIRO Beam trawl, SST Radiometer, Atmospheric data (Absorption Photometer, Nephelometer, Ozone, Radon), Greenhouse (Picarro, Aerodyne), pCO2, Echosounders, Multibeam (EM122, EM710, ME70 and SBP120), and XBT.\n \nThe archive for the IN2015_E02 EOV data will be held temporarily within the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Data Centre in Hobart, with a permanent archive to be located at the CSIRO Data Access Portal (DAP, EOV paper documentation: Multibeam (EM122, ME70, EM710, SBP120), Deep Towed Camera (DTC), Baited Remote Underwater Video System (BRUVS) and XBT logs WERE archived c/o the Data Centre in Hobart and the location entered in the archiving system TRIM, reference in2015_e02 Paper Documentation. The paper documentation was scanned and made available electronically. The EOV data, scanned logs and voyage documentation will be available to the O&A voyage participants via the local network.\nLineage: Original field data. EOV data archive removed from the vessel. Data and paper documentation archived at the O&A Data Centre. All paper documentation were scanned to 400 dpi PDF. The paper documentation is stored at the CSIRO Hobart site, with a reference in TRIM system.\n\nThe voyage Track was provided in rawVoyageData: in2015_e02/science/Voyage_track_and_underwayData.\n\nThe raw data (~450GB) will not be backed up on LTO Tape (tape storage limit is only 200GB).\n \nManifest file - Created after archiving to newRawVoyageData_plus:\nin2015_e02_manifest_1.0_newRawVoyageData_plus.txt\n\nManifest file - Created after archiving to rawVoyageData:\nin2015_e02_manifest_1.0_rawVoyage_cs.txt\n \nBoth manifest files have been saved to rawVoyageData.\nEOV Checklist has been updated: in2015_e02_EndofVoyageChecklist_Final.pdf\nEOV Checklist was updated on the 1 Feb.2016 to include - Radon and Aerodyne\n \nElog archived as a comma-separated-value file in the /global_docs folder on 19JUN2015.&rft.creator=CSIRO &rft.creator=Marine National Facility &rft.creator=Sime, Tegan &rft.creator=Woodward, Lisa &rft.creator=Williams, Alan &rft.creator=Green, Mark &; southlimit=-44.5; eastlimit=147.7; northlimit=-42.8; projection=WGS84&rft_rights=Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 Licence to the data is restricted&rft_rights=All Rights (including copyright) CSIRO 2017.&rft_subject=ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler)&rft_subject=Acoustic Equipment/Echosounders&rft_subject=Gear Trials: IN2015_E02&rft_subject=Investigator - general vessel operations, gear trials, etc.&rft_subject=MNF Trial voyage (ShortNameSuffix _enn)&rft_subject=Marine National Facility&rft_subject=Meteorological Instruments&rft_subject=Multibeam Echosounder&rft_subject=Ocean Currents&rft_subject=Particle Counters/Sizers&rft_subject=Video Cameras - underwater - Deep Towed Camera System&rft_subject=Video Cameras - underwater - Deep BRUV&rft_subject=Salinity&rft_subject=Sea Surface Temperature&rft_subject=Seafloor Topography&rft_subject=Ship: Investigator (RV)&rft_subject=Southern Ocean&rft_subject=Surface Air Temperature&rft_subject=Surface Pressure&rft_subject=Tasman Sea&rft_subject=Tasmania Coast, TAS&rft_subject=Trace Gases/Trace Species&rft_subject=Vessel Data: ADCP&rft_subject=Vessel Data: Acoustics (Fisheries)&rft_subject=Vessel Data: Multibeam Echosounder&rft_subject=Vessel Data: Underway&rft_subject=Vessel Data: XBT&rft_subject=XBTs (Expendable Bathythermographs)&rft_subject=Atmospheric aerosols&rft_subject=Atmospheric sciences&rft_subject=EARTH SCIENCES&rft_subject=Atmospheric radiation&rft_subject=Meteorology&rft_subject=Climate change processes&rft_subject=Climate change science&rft_subject=Marine geoscience&rft_subject=Geology&rft_subject=Biological oceanography&rft_subject=Oceanography&rft_subject=Chemical oceanography&rft_subject=Physical oceanography&rft_subject=Oceanography not elsewhere classified&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 Licence

Access to the data is restricted

All Rights (including copyright) CSIRO 2017.



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Brief description

This record describes the End of Voyage archive from the Marine National Facility RV Investigator voyage IN2015_E02. This was a trial voyage for the RV Investigator departing Hobart (TAS) on April 7th and returning to Hobart on April 14th, 2015. The voyage objectives are a combination of specific aims for particular sampling gears and sample types - including conducting benthic biological sampling, the acquisition of high-quality data sets and fully-processed collections of specimens and samples - and to establish processes, safe procedures and workflows in particular areas of the vessel (e.g., working deck areas and sample processing laboratories).

Data collected includes: Sherman sled, Smith-McIntyre grab, MNF deep tow camera system, USBL, Multibeam sonar, ADCP, SBP120 Sub-bottom Profiler, Corer, Deep BRUV lander, CSIRO Beam trawl, SST Radiometer, Atmospheric data (Absorption Photometer, Nephelometer, Ozone, Radon), Greenhouse (Picarro, Aerodyne), pCO2, Echosounders, Multibeam (EM122, EM710, ME70 and SBP120), and XBT.

The archive for the IN2015_E02 EOV data will be held temporarily within the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Data Centre in Hobart, with a permanent archive to be located at the CSIRO Data Access Portal (DAP, EOV paper documentation: Multibeam (EM122, ME70, EM710, SBP120), Deep Towed Camera (DTC), Baited Remote Underwater Video System (BRUVS) and XBT logs WERE archived c/o the Data Centre in Hobart and the location entered in the archiving system TRIM, reference "in2015_e02 Paper Documentation." The paper documentation was scanned and made available electronically. The EOV data, scanned logs and voyage documentation will be available to the O&A voyage participants via the local network.
Lineage: Original field data. EOV data archive removed from the vessel. Data and paper documentation archived at the O&A Data Centre. All paper documentation were scanned to 400 dpi PDF. The paper documentation is stored at the CSIRO Hobart site, with a reference in TRIM system.

The voyage Track was provided in rawVoyageData: in2015_e02/science/Voyage_track_and_underwayData.

The raw data (~450GB) will not be backed up on LTO Tape (tape storage limit is only 200GB).

Manifest file - Created after archiving to newRawVoyageData_plus:

Manifest file - Created after archiving to rawVoyageData:

Both manifest files have been saved to rawVoyageData.
EOV Checklist has been updated: in2015_e02_EndofVoyageChecklist_Final.pdf
EOV Checklist was updated on the 1 Feb.2016 to include - Radon and Aerodyne

Elog archived as a comma-separated-value file in the /global_docs folder on 19JUN2015.

Available: 2024-03-07

Data time period: 2015-04-07 to 2015-04-14

This dataset is part of a larger collection

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147.7,-42.8 147.7,-44.5 146.9,-44.5 146.9,-42.8 147.7,-42.8
