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ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id= Investigator Voyage IN2017_C01 ADCP Data&rft.identifier=92e66ae3-654f-4b91-adae-49835339c76f&rft.publisher=Australian Ocean Data Network&rft.description=This record describes the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data collected from the Marine National Facility RV Investigator voyage IN2017_C01, titled: GAB deep water geological and benthic ecology program. The voyage took place between April 11 and April 28, 2017 departing Hobart (TAS) and returning to Hobart. Data was collected during in2017_c01 for the entire voyage. Data was collected using UHDAS and post-processed using CODAS. The os150(150kHz) ADCP was not operational during this voyage. The 75khz ADCP was operated in narrowband mode with 8m bins for the duration of the voyage. Internal triggering was used as external triggering was found to be unstable on previous voyages. The drop keel was at 2m for the voyage. See the voyage computing and electronics report for more details regarding data acquisition. This dataset was processed and then archived within the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (O&A) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart.Progress Code: completedMaintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededStatement: Data source: original field data. Data processing and quality control: Performed by Karl Malakoff, O&A DAP Group. Note that 1min average data is provided as a special request, however it is unedited and has data quality implications. For general use, the 5min average data ( should be used.&rft.creator=Anonymous&; southlimit=-43.71; eastlimit=147.51; northlimit=-34.39&rft.coverage=westlimit=129.33; southlimit=-43.71; eastlimit=147.51; northlimit=-34.39&rft_rights= Graphic&rft_rights=Attribution 4.0&rft_rights=WWW:LINK-1.0-http--related&rft_rights=License Text&rft_rights=Data is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence, please see link. Data is supplied 'as is' without any warranty or guarantee except as required by law to be given to you. The data may not be free of error, comprehensive, current or appropriate for your particular purpose. You accept all risk and responsibility for its use. ATTRIBUTION STATEMENT: The dataset [Insert-dataset-name-here] downloaded on [Insert-DD-Mmm-YYYY-here] was collected on voyage [Insert-voyage-name-here] by the Marine National Facility.&rft_rights=Attribution 4.0&rft_rights= Science | Oceans | Ocean Circulation | Ocean Currents&rft_subject=Marine National Facility&rft_subject=Research Charter: IN2017_C01&rft_subject=Vessel Data: ADCP&rft_subject=Ship: Investigator (RV)&rft_subject=ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler)&rft_subject=Global / Oceans | Southern Ocean&rft_subject=Marine Features (Australia) | Derwent Estuary, TAS&rft_subject=Coastal Waters (Australia) | Tasmania Coast West, TAS&rft_subject=Marine Features (Australia) | Great Australian Bight, SA/WA&rft_subject=Current direction in the water body&rft_subject=Current speed in the water body&rft_subject=Eastward current velocity in the water body&rft_subject=Northward current velocity in the water body&rft_subject=Upward current velocity in the water body&rft_subject=current profilers&rft_subject=research vessel&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

Licence & Rights:

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Attribution 4.0


License Graphic

Attribution 4.0


License Text

Data is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence, please see link. Data is supplied 'as is' without any warranty or guarantee except as required by law to be given to you. The data may not be free of error, comprehensive, current or appropriate for your particular purpose. You accept all risk and responsibility for its use. ATTRIBUTION STATEMENT: The dataset [Insert-dataset-name-here] downloaded on [Insert-DD-Mmm-YYYY-here] was collected on voyage [Insert-voyage-name-here] by the Marine National Facility.



Brief description

This record describes the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data collected from the Marine National Facility RV Investigator voyage IN2017_C01, titled: "GAB deep water geological and benthic ecology program." The voyage took place between April 11 and April 28, 2017 departing Hobart (TAS) and returning to Hobart. Data was collected during in2017_c01 for the entire voyage. Data was collected using UHDAS and post-processed using CODAS. The os150(150kHz) ADCP was not operational during this voyage. The 75khz ADCP was operated in narrowband mode with 8m bins for the duration of the voyage. Internal triggering was used as external triggering was found to be unstable on previous voyages. The drop keel was at 2m for the voyage. See the voyage computing and electronics report for more details regarding data acquisition. This dataset was processed and then archived within the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (O&A) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart.


Progress Code: completed
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeeded
Statement: Data source: original field data. Data processing and quality control: Performed by Karl Malakoff, O&A DAP Group. Note that 1min average data is provided as a special request, however it is unedited and has data quality implications. For general use, the 5min average data ( should be used.


ADCP data processed by Karl Malakoff (CSIRO O&A, MNF Data Acquisition and Processing group).

Data time period: 2017-04-11 to 2017-04-28

This dataset is part of a larger collection

147.51,-34.39 147.51,-43.71 129.33,-43.71 129.33,-34.39 147.51,-34.39


text: westlimit=129.33; southlimit=-43.71; eastlimit=147.51; northlimit=-34.39

Other Information
Marine National Facility web page (Marine National Facility (MNF))

uri :

Download MNF Voyage Plans and Summaries (MNF Voyage Plans and Summaries)

uri :

  • global : 92e66ae3-654f-4b91-adae-49835339c76f