Full description
EstablishmentThe Rosedale District Water Board VA 2251 was constituted under the provisions of the Water and Sewerage Authorities (Restructuring) Act 1983 by Order -in - Council of 13 December, 1983 and gazetted on 21 December, 1983, to succeed the following authorities with effect from 1 January, 1984:
Name of body and Date Constituted:
Rosedale Waterworks Trust -23 October 1916, VA 4092
Tyres and Glengarry Waterworks Trust - 18 August 1959, VA 4133
Seaspray Waterworks Trust - 6 November 1963
Rosedale Sewerage Authority - 1 May 1979, VA 4128.
The Board was abolished and its function was transferred to the Latrobe Region Water Authority, VA 4688 in 1991
Data time period:
[1983 TO 1991]
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