
Regulatory networks controlling virulence in Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Neisseria meningitidis. [ 2003 - 2003 ]

Also known as: How bacteria control expression of the genes they need to infect a host.

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof John Davies (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr Charlene Kahler

Brief description Bacteria that cause disease produce substances called virulence determinants, often on their cell surface. These virulence determinants are either directly involved in allowing infection to take place, or cause the damage that we recognize as an infectious disease. Some virulence determinants are produced all the time, while others are only made under particular conditions, that is, their expression is regulated. To target efforts in the development of new vaccines and treatments, it is important to identify all the virulence determinants produced by a particular bacterial species, but also to know which are regulated, and the environmental signals that determine their expression. Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Neisseria meningitidis are two important disease-causing bacteria that exclusively infect humans and cause gonorrhoea, and meningitis. The complete DNA sequence of both of these bacteria is now known. From computer analysis of these data, it appears that these bacteria have few of the specific regulatory systems that are present in other bacteria. Because of the limited repertoire of regulatory systems still present in N. gonorrhoeae and N. meningitidis, it is feasible to mutate each one and determine which are involved in regulation of virulence determinants. We have made copies of every individual gene found in the DNA sequence of these bacteria and have attached each one individually to a glass slide to form a microarray measuring 18mm x 18mm. This microarray will allow us to monitor the expression of every gene in these bacteria in response to environmental signals. This information will be used to identify all the virulence genes controlled by each regulatory system. Such an analysis has never been previously achieved for any bacterial species, because of the number and complexity of the regulatory systems usually present.

Funding Amount $AUD 147,500.00

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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