
Regulation of pilus biogenesis in Neisseria [ 2009 - 2011 ]

Also known as: Control of the bacterial genes involved in assembly of a structure that is essential for the infectious process

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof John Davies (Principal investigator)

Brief description A group of bacteria called Neisseria cause human-specific infections. To initiate infection, the bacteria must produce a hair-like surface structure, the pilus. The pilus consists mainly of a protein called pilin, and we now understand how pilin production is controlled. However 20 other genes are also involved in pilus production. This project aims to understand how these other genes are controlled and coordinated to assemble this structure that is central to the ability to cause disease.

Funding Amount $AUD 280,400.14

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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