Full description
Sheep are an integral part of low-medium rainfall mixed farming systems across southern Australia and they account for 23% of Australia’s total livestock emissions. Apart from the contribution to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, the energy lost as methane represents a significant inefficiency in sheep production systems. Therefore, maintaining or improving the balance between forage and animal productivity, and methane emissions is likely to be a challenge under a warmer and drier climate. The aim of this trial is to evaluate pasture/forage options to fill in the late-spring, autumn and early winter feed gaps; and to measure comparative animal production, feed quality and methane emissions in response to current and improved sheep feeding strategies.Created: 2015
Issued: 08 05 2017
Data time period: 2015 to 2015
Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences |
Barley |
Crop and Pasture Production |
Cereal (Grain) |
Forage |
Grain Legume |
Grasses |
Grazing Rate |
Grazing Regime |
Grazing Timing |
Lupins |
Medic |
Oats |
Other crop |
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