
Rediscovering historical contributions in environmental planning: Australia's Town Planning Associations [ 2007-01-01 - 2009-12-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Petrow, Stefan (Principal investigator) ,  Stefan Petrow (Principal investigator) ,  A/Prof Jenny Gregory (Chief Investigator) ,  AsPr Christine Garnaut (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr Andrew Brown-May (Chief Investigator)
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Brief description Rediscovering historical contributions in environmental planning: Australia's Town Planning Associations. This study will provide an alternative history of Australian urban planning that will document at a national level how non-government organisations contributed positively and creatively to the evolution of modern environmental planning from the 20th century. It will support the strengthening of Australia's social and economic fabric by discovering through original historical research how previous generations have productively and creatively contributed to decisions affecting general environmental well-being. It will contribute an historical perspective to current debates on the need for more collaborative planning.

Funding Amount $164,768

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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