
Reanalysis shows the extreme decline effect does not exist in fish ocean acidification studies - bioRxiv

James Cook University
Munday, Philip
Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]] Cited: [[ro.stat.cited]] Accessed: [[ro.stat.accessed]]
ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id=info:doi10.25903/d9r4-t979&rft.title=Reanalysis shows the extreme decline effect does not exist in fish ocean acidification studies - bioRxiv&rft.identifier=10.25903/d9r4-t979&rft.publisher=James Cook University&rft.description=This data record is a reanalysis of data related to the publication Meta-analysis reveals an extreme “decline effect” in the impacts of ocean acidification on fish behavior by Jeff C. Clements, Josefin Sundin, Timothy D. Clark, Fredrik Jutfelt The data record includes 5 R markdown files. 1) Rerun of the original analysis relating to the publication, 2) New analysis of the corrected and complete data set, 3) New analysis of the corrected and complete data using 0.01 to replace zeros in percentage and proportional data, 4) New analysis of the corrected and complete data using 1 to replace zeros in percentage data and 0.01 to replace zeros in proportional data, 5) New analysis of the corrected and complete data using 1 to replace zeros in percentage data and 0.01 to replace zeros in proportional data for only studies that examine olfactory-mediated responses to risk and habitat cues. The excel data file relating to 1) Rerun of the original analysis is available with the original publication. There are 4 data files in this reposit that match to R markdown files 2-5. Software/equipment used to create/collect the data: Microsoft Excel Software/equipment used to manipulate/analyse the data: R Version 4.1.0 and RStudio Version 1.4.1717&rft.creator=Munday, Philip & BY 4.0: Attribution 4.0 International acidification&rft_subject=climate change&rft_subject=effect size&rft_subject=meta-analysis&rft_subject=fish&rft_subject=behaviour&rft_subject=ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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CC BY 4.0: Attribution 4.0 International


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Full description

This data record is a reanalysis of data related to the publication "Meta-analysis reveals an extreme “decline effect” in the impacts of ocean acidification on fish behavior" by Jeff C. Clements, Josefin Sundin, Timothy D. Clark, Fredrik Jutfelt

The data record includes 5 R markdown files. 1) Rerun of the original analysis relating to the publication, 2) New analysis of the corrected and complete data set, 3) New analysis of the corrected and complete data using 0.01 to replace zeros in percentage and proportional data, 4) New analysis of the corrected and complete data using 1 to replace zeros in percentage data and 0.01 to replace zeros in proportional data, 5) New analysis of the corrected and complete data using 1 to replace zeros in percentage data and 0.01 to replace zeros in proportional data for only studies that examine olfactory-mediated responses to risk and habitat cues.

The excel data file relating to 1) Rerun of the original analysis is available with the original publication. There are 4 data files in this reposit that match to R markdown files 2-5.

Software/equipment used to create/collect the data: Microsoft Excel

Software/equipment used to manipulate/analyse the data: R Version 4.1.0 and RStudio Version 1.4.1717

Created: 2022-04-13

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  • DOI : 10.25903/D9R4-T979
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