
A randomised controlled trial of dizziness interventions based on a multidisciplinary assessment in older people: towards the development of a multiple profile assessment of dizziness – the MPA-D [ 2012 - 2015 ]

Also known as: Treating dizziness in older people

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Stephen Lord (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr Americo Migliaccio A/Pr Kim Delbaere Dr Jasmine Menant Prof Jacqueline Close
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Brief description Dizziness is highly prevalent among older people and often leads to functional disability and psychological distress. However, it is not well understood and is consequently often unresolved, ill-diagnosed, and inappropriately treated. This research will investigate whether a multidisciplinary assessment and intervention can reduce reported dizziness and improve quality of life in older people, to ultimately develop a validated assessment tool for providing a differential diagnosis of dizziness.

Funding Amount $AUD 617,656.67

Funding Scheme Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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