
A randomised controlled trial of a high intensity intervention to reduce smoking among pregnant Indigenous women [ 2005 - 2007 ]

Also known as: Helping Indigenous women to stop smoking during pregnancy

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Sandra Eades (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr Kathryn Panaretto A/Pr Mark Wenitong Prof Robert Sanson-Fisher

Brief description The rates of smoking in pregnancy for Indigenous women and passive smoke exposure in Indigenous households are unacceptably high, with 65% smoking during pregnancy. In contrast only about 20% of other Australian women are reported to smoke during pregnancy. However there have been no Australian trials to assess the extent to which Indigenous women can be assisted to quit smoking during pregnancy. This is a clinical trial conducted in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Health Services located in Townsville and Cairns. The trial is designed to show whether an intensive program of smoking cessation advice provided to women and their major family supports can reduce smoking ratesamong Indigenous women in pregnancy. General practitioners, Aboriginal health workers and nurses working in these health services will conduct the study and be trained in how to deliver the support required to assist women quit smoking.

Funding Amount $AUD 695,250.00

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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