
A randomised clinical trial to test a pain education program for patients with cancer and their family carers [ 2004 - 2006 ]

Also known as: A brief pain education program for cancer patients and their families

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Linda Kristjanson (Principal investigator) ,  Dr Marylynn Oldham Prof Nigel Spry Prof Peter Hudson Prof Sanchia Aranda

Brief description This study seeks to improve cancer patients' and family carers' knowledge and attitudes toward pain management. A pain education program will be offered to patients with recurrent or progressive cancer and their primary family carers. The study addresses a palliative care concern that impacts upon a large number of Australians each year. The study has the potential to provide a brief, standardised protocol that could be taught and integrated into usual practice and to reduce health care costs for advanced cancer patients.

Funding Amount $AUD 150,000.00

Funding Scheme NHMRC Strategic Awards

Notes Palliative Care Research

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