
Radar Thunderstorm Tracking

Bureau of Meteorology
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ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id= Thunderstorm Tracking&rft.identifier=ANZCW0503900212&rft.publisher=Bureau of Meteorology&rft.description=The Bureau of Meteorology operates a Nowcast Application Server that processes data from a number of radars in the Bureau's network to identify and track storm cells. A number of parameters associated with the storm cells are also provided and this includes short term forecasts of the cell movement. The radars for which storm track information is available are Cairns, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Bairnsdale, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin and Katherine.&rft.creator=Anonymous&; southlimit=-47.4375; westlimit=109.06247; eastLimit=172.5445; projection=WGS84&rft_subject=EARTH SCIENCES&rft_subject=CLIMATE-AND-WEATHER-Rainfall&rft_subject=CLIMATE-AND-WEATHER-Extreme-weather-events&rft_subject=RAIN&rft_subject=EARTH SCIENCE&rft_subject=ATMOSPHERE&rft_subject=PRECIPITATION&rft_subject=LIQUID PRECIPITATION&rft_subject=RADAR&rft_subject=SPECTRAL/ENGINEERING&rft_subject=climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data


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Copyright: Exclusive right to the publication, production, or sale of the rights to a literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic work, or to the use of a commercial print or label, granted by law for a specified period of time to an author, composer, artist, distributor

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Brief description

The Bureau of Meteorology operates a Nowcast Application Server that processes data from a number of radars in the Bureau's network to identify and track storm cells. A number of parameters associated with the storm cells are also provided and this includes short term forecasts of the cell movement. The radars for which storm track information is available are Cairns, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Bairnsdale, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin and Katherine.

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172.5445,-7.67047 172.5445,-47.4375 109.06247,-47.4375 109.06247,-7.67047 172.5445,-7.67047



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