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This dataset contains fish density and fishery data for a rabbitfish species (Siganus sutor) in the Republic of Seychelles. Fish density was estimated at spawning aggregations and in non-reproductive habitat between November 2013 and May 2014 using 20 min timed-swim surveys by divers using stereo-video. From 60 random samples of resulting video frames, two metrics of density were derived: MaxN and Presence. On the same days as fish density surveys, observations of two fishers targeting the species using fish traps were also undertaken, with individual fisher catch and effort data collected and used to estimate catch-per-unit-effort. Other fishery information collected includes fishing effort density, soak time, trap type and fishing depth. Underwater visibility data were also derived from survey video data, while an index of current strength was derived from satellite altimeter and scatterometer data.
This dataset consists of a spreadsheet in MS Excel (.xlsx) and Open Document formats (.ods)
Created: 2016-03-05
Data time period: 10 2013 to 15 06 2014
text: Seychelles
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- DOI : 10.4225/28/571EB18AA6AB7
- Local : researchdata.jcu.edu.au//published/3028bd71598a1ecf18def68e938a089e
- Local : 9c5e42533362311d376cecf071f3f1fc