Brief description
The calcareous tests of Globigerinoides ruber are analysed to quantify the isotopic composition of oxygen and carbon through time at core site MD002361 (113o28.63'E, 22o04.92'S). The heaviest 18O value was recorded during MIS 12 (at a depth of 1265cm) with a value of -0.04ppt, while the lightest 18O value of -2.49ppt was registered at 1200cm depth, during MIS 11. Once the estimated ice volume effect has been accounted for, this still leaves a substantial difference 18O which must be accounted for through significant changes in sea-surface temperature (SST) or salinity. The 13C record ranges from a minimum at approximately 126k yrs BP of -0.05ppt during MIS 5, to a maximum value of 2.11ppt during MIS 10.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlannedNotes
CreditThe Australian National University (ANU)
Funded by The National Oceans Office (NOO)
Funded by The Australian Research Council (ARC)
Funded by The French Polar Institute
Funded by The Australian Insitute of Nuclear Science Engineer (AINSE)
Funded by The Murray Darling Basin Commission
The chemical composition of calcareous shell holds clues to the chemical and physical state of the ambient seawater and is useful in reconstructing properties of ancient marine environments.
Issued: 21 03 2007
Data time period: 2000-01-01 to 2000-01-01
text: westlimit=113; southlimit=-22.5; eastlimit=113.5; northlimit=-22
text: uplimit=1805; downlimit=1805
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