Full description
The overarching primary research question for the QoVAX SET Statewide study is: In the Queensland community statewide, what level of short-term vaccine humoral immunity induced at one to three months post vaccination is associated with i) protection from community acquired SARS-CoV-2 infection with known or emergent variants of concern, and ii) severe health outcomes of community acquired COVID-19. The QoVAX Statewide study will address these specific research questions; 1. What are the host intrinsic (level of antibody response, HLA type) and extrinsic factors (socio-economic health determinants, environmental exposures e.g. smoking) associated with i) vaccine efficacy, and ii) severe COVID-19? 2. Do members of the community who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait and/or South Sea Islander, or as being from diverse ethnic backgrounds, show similar vaccine responses, and associations with i) vaccine efficacy, and ii) severe COVID-19, and the general Queensland population? 3. Do certain pre-existing health conditions (autoimmunity, cancer, immunodeficiency), and medication use effect i) vaccine efficacy, and ii) vulnerability to severe COVID-19? A statewide recruitment campaign will be undertaken and participants will self-enroll via the study website. A questionnaire will be completed and blood samples collected at 1 - 3 months following the last dose of a COVID-19 vaccine or at enrollment for unvaccinated participants. Participants will be followed over the long term via both repeat questionnaires and data linkage with administrative health datasets to ascertain study outcomes. (2023-04-19)Notes
HeSANDA 1.0.0Collected: 2022-03-25
Collected: 2022-09-30
Data time period: 2022 to ,
Data time period: 2022 to ,
Biological Sciences |
Biomedical and Clinical Sciences |
COVID-19 |
Clinical Sciences |
Immunology |
Immunology Not Elsewhere Classified |
Infectious Diseases |
Microbiology |
Virology |
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Other Information
Queensland Health: Prevention Division, Queensland Health 33 Charlotte Street Brisbane QLD 4001 Country: Australia Queensland Health
- DOI : 10.60540/XYC4ZN