
A prospective study of concussion in children and adolescents: Diagnosis, recovery and risk factors for poor outcome. [ 2005 - 2007 ]

Also known as: Concussion in children and adolescents.

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Vicki Anderson (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr Paul Mccrory Prof Alex Collie

Brief description Concussion is one of the most common neurological injuries and represents a significant public health issue in Australia. The most common consequences of concussive injuries are reduced attention, slowed response speeds and memory impairment. These cognitive processes are critical for performing common day-to-day activities in childhood and adolescence (e.g. acquiring new knowledge and skills, attending to school work). Approximately 20% of concussive injuries occur during participation in organised sport. In adult populations, there are now evidence-based guidelines for the diagnosis and management of concussion in sport. Few well-controlled studies exist to identify the frequency and outcome of such injuries in child and adolescent populations, and there are currently no guidelines for diagnosis and management of concussion in children. Further, the academic and social consequence of concussion for the child remains unknown. This study will investigate the cognitive and behavioural outcomes of concussion in young children and adolescents and will use this information to modify and validate currently available adult concussion diagnosis and management paradigms for application with this population. This study will also investigate risk factors for poor outcome following concussion in children and adolescents, and provide age-appropriate data for use in the medical, behavioural and educational management of concussed children and adolescents. A total of 3000 children aged between 10 and 18 years will be recruited to participate in this study. All participants will undergo a baseline evaluation consisting of memory and attention tests, a behavioural rating scale, and measures of educational ability. Participants parents will also provide general health and demographic information. Children who are concussed during the year will be re-assessed within 48 hours of injury and again at 5 days, 10 days and 30 days post-injury to track recovery.

Funding Amount $AUD 277,000.00

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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