Brief description
The Gladstone Healthy Harbour Partnership (GHHP) Data and Information Management System (DIMS) is a web based system that helps coordinate the submission and processing of monitoring data associated with the annual GHHP environmental report card for the Gladstone region. This system allows groups performing the monitoring to upload their data into the system. The system performs a range of checks on the minoring data to ensure consistent data. The algorithms that implement the logic of the report card are implemented as a range of R scripts. The DIMS system allows the GHHP science team to run these scripts on the monitoring data to produce a range of products (trend plots, preview of the report card scores and prepopulated report card templates) that are used produce the final report card. This year’s project focused primarily on maintenance of the system, such upgrading software components to include the latest security patches, high priority bugs that were detected during this period and high priority adjustments to the report card logic. Key activities during this report card year were: Replacing the web based file management system (Pydio) with KeyCloak (user management) and NextCloud (file sharing). Adjusting the aggregation hierarchy for the mud crab’s indicator. The source code for the DIMS system software and the scripts are stored on in private repositories on GitHub at the address: The server associated with the DIMS is hosted on the Amazon cloud and managed by the Knowledge System team at AIMS. This server also hosts the GHHP website ( Data uploaded to the GHHP DIMS is owned by GHHP or made available to GHHP under license for the purpose of the creation of the GHHP report card. The results of the analysis from the data are made available through the report card which is available publicly from
Maintenance and Update Frequency: annuallyNotes
CreditFunding Body: ISP009, Gladstone Healthy Harbour Partnership
Modified: 10 08 2024
GHHP website
uri :
- global : d9f9aa3e-5481-4f8a-8e1c-389d6721b436