Brief description
This data describes various acanthocephalan, nematode and helminth parasites identified on elasmobranchs caught between 2015 and 2018 at a number of sites around Australian. All parasite and host data is contained with tables in publications linked to this record (see Supplementary Information and Online Resources section).Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededNotes
CreditNational Environmental Science Programme
Created: 2020-02-01
Data time period: 2016-01-01 to 2019-12-31
text: westlimit=112.32421875; southlimit=-35.39824412462501; eastlimit=155.0390625; northlimit=-9.558400374625
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(DATA ACCESS - parasite data synthesised in Tables 1 & 2 of publication)
doi :
global : 2bc9e6be-ed27-43fa-aa05-1f2332df7125
- global : 561b9715-e63a-4a70-a84a-0a1950caa096