
Professor Mitchell Guss

The University of Sydney
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Brief description

Professor Mitchell Guss is recognised as a leader in structural biology with interests in understanding how biological molecules work and how they can be exploited for medical and other purposes. Mitchell Guss is Professor of Structural Biology located in the School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences at the University of Sydney. He graduated in Chemistry from this University with a PhD in 1970. He has been involved with protein crystallography since its beginnings in Australia. He is a past president of the Society for Crystallographers in Australia and New Zealand and is currently the vice president of the Asian Crystallographic Association. His work has been continuously supported by both the NHMRC and ARC and has secured both project and large equipment grants. His expertise in the area of structural biology is recognised by editorial appointments to the Journal of Molecular Biology and to Acta Crystallographica. Mitchell Guss has been a pioneer in the use of synchrotron radiation facilities for the determination of protein structures. He is currently chair of a National Institutes of Health advisory committee and member of the beamline advisory panel for protein crystallography for the new Australian synchrotron.

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Contact Information

Street Address:
Corner Butlin Avenue and Maze Crescent, GO8 Building (School of Molecular Bioscience), University of Sydney, Darlington, Australia