
Professor George Paxinos AO BA MA PhD DSc

The University of Queensland
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Prof George Paxinos was educated in North America, receiving degrees from the University of California and McGill University. He settled in Australia in 1973 and nine years later, together with Prof Charles Watson, was the first to construct an atlas based on chemoarchitecture. Since then, The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates has become the most cited neuroscience publication and the most cited Australian publication. Prof Paxinos' current research includes investigating the organisation of the rat, mouse and human spinal cords; the organisation of the human hypothalamus, the development of the mouse brain, and homologies between the human and other primates. As part of the Consortium, the Paxinos laboratory will be applying their expertise in histology and immunohistochemistry to identify brain nuclei and homologies between species, as well as transferring the knowledge of avain brains to make maps of the brainstem of the mouse.
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