
A preclinical humanized chimeric model to investigate novel therapeutic strategies against breast cancer bone metastasis [ 2015 - ]

Also known as: 5015392

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Dietmar Hutmacher (Principal investigator) ,  Dr Brett Hollier Prof Boris Holzapfel Prof Filipe Prosper Cardoso Prof JeanPierre Levesque

Brief description Using the humanized in-vivo model presented, researchers are in a unique position to develop and evaluate novel therapeutic strategies against breast cancer bone metastasis at multiple intervention points from the primary tumour to bone metastasis. This model makes it possible to study anti-cancer and anti-resorptive effects of human-specific drugs such as the monoclonal antibody Denosumab. The model eventually may help to decrease morbidity and mortality of breast cancer patients.

Funding Amount $674,492.00

Funding Scheme Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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