
Population-specific resilience of Halophila ovalis seagrass habitat to unseasonal rainfall, an extreme climate event in estuaries.

Provided by   Edith Cowan University

Research Project

Researchers: Chanelle Webster (Associated with) ,  Edith Cowan University (Managed by) ,  Katherine Bennet (Associated with) ,  Kathryn Mcmahon (Associated with) ,  Kieryn Kilminster (Associated with)
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Full description

This research investigates whether unseasonal rainfall events can be considered extreme in estuaries across the globe that represent different climatic settings. Additionally, a case study estuary is selected following an extreme rainfall event in 2017 is selected. Metrics are adapted to characterize aspects of the event using salinity data by adapting an approach applied for marine heatwaves. The resilience of seagrass is also measured prior to and following the event. We found that some seagrass populations were able to recover whilst others did not and this may be attributed to differences in their environmental regime.

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