Brief description
This data collection contains aerosol and trace gas measurements taken aboard the voyage IN2017_V01. This voyage, spanning January - March 2017, departed Hobart and spent six weeks in the seasonal ice zone off the coast of the Totten Glacier, East Antarctica. Data included includes aerosol number concentrations (CN3), aerosol size distributions, cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentrations and measurements of radon-222.Lineage: These data were collected aboard the RV Investigator during IN2017_V01. Specific instrumental parameters and sampling techniques are included in the metadata files associated with each data file.
Available: 2020-12-01
Data time period: 2017-01-14 to 2017-03-04
Atmospheric Sciences |
Atmospheric Aerosols |
Atmospheric Sciences Not Elsewhere Classified |
Chemical Sciences |
Earth Sciences |
Environmental Chemistry (Incl. Atmospheric Chemistry) |
Meteorology |
Other Chemical Sciences |
aerosol |
aerosol number concentrations |
aerosol size distributions |
aerosols |
antarctica |
ccn |
cloud condensation nuclei |
cn3 |
radon |
smps |
southern ocean |
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- Local : 102.100.100/386237
- DOI : 10.25919/xs0b-an24