
Phase III study of the impact of a physical activity program on disease-free survival for early colon cancer [ 2009 - 2017 ]

Also known as: CHALLENGE: Colon Health And Life Long Exercise ChaNGE

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Janette Vardy (Principal investigator) ,  Dr Haryana Dhillon Dr Hidde Van Der Ploeg Prof John Zalcberg Prof Kerry Courneya
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Brief description There is clear evidence that physical activity can reduce the risk of developing bowel cancer and some evidence suggesting it may decrease the risk of a recurrence of bowel cancer. This study will provide reliable evidence as to whether people who participate in a structured physical activity programme after treatment for stage II or III colorectal cancer can increase their likelihood of being alive without a cancer recurrence at three years, compared to those who have standard follow-up.

Funding Amount $AUD 2,556,385.58

Funding Scheme Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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