
Perinatal outcomes following treatment for cervical dysplasia [ 2003 - 2004 ]

Also known as: Pregnancy outcomes following treatment for cervical dysplasia

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Judith Lumley (Principal investigator) ,  Dr Fiona Bruinsma Prof Michael Quinn

Brief description A very high proportion of women in Australia have regular cervical screening ('pap' tests) for early detection of any early abnormal changes of the cervix. Women with abnormalities are referred for further investigation and some go on to have the areas with abnormalities treated either by surgical removal of small amounts of tissue or by other heat or laser treatments of affected areas. Many women having these treatments are of child-bearing age and may not have had children, or may seek to have more children after treatment. There are unanswered questions about the extent to which any or all of these treatments might, by changes to the cervix, lead to preterm birth in any subsequent pregnancy. In the proposed study, records relating to women referred from 1982 to 2000 for assessment and possible treatment of cervical abnormalities at a major hospital will be linked to Victorian birth records from 1983 to 2001. This will allow a comparison of preterm birth in the group of women referred with cervical abnormalities, with preterm births in the Victorian population, and comparing women who do and don't have treatment, taking into account other important factors such as the mother's age, and her previous pregnancies. The information will be of value to women themselves, to gynaecologists and to screening services.

Funding Amount $AUD 98,600.00

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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