Full description
Tol trial a range of practices to increase sequestration of soil carbon, including:1.Unviable cropping land managed for the introduction and/or increased levels of perennial component in pastures ( 3 sites);
2.Implementation of rotational grazing managed pasture for increased levels of cover and biomass (3 sites);
3.Degraded land managed for the introduction and/or increased levels of perennial component in pastures (4 sites); and
4.Land managed for the introduction and/or increased levels of perennial component in pastures (3 sites).
Created: 2013
Issued: 15 12 2015
Data time period: 2013 to 2013
Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences |
Crop and Pasture Production |
Grasses |
Grazing Regime |
Other crop |
Perennial shrubs |
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