Brief description
A total of 220 permanent monitoring plots were established between 1994–2002. The plots extend across three parks (Kakadu, Litchfield and Nitmiluk) in the Top End of the Northern Territory, representing the Three Parks Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network. A detailed flora and fauna survey has been conducted at each plot on a 5–6 year cycle to monitor biotic changes. Plots represent a variety of landforms and vegetation types. Nitmiluk National Park contains 46 plots, each with a paired plot located within 1 km of the primary plot. In 2015, 23 paired plots were surveyed for terrestrial vertebrate fauna using a range of survey methods. At each paired plot 12 x 10 minute bird surveys were conducted during daylight hours during a 4 day period. Bird surveys were carried out within a 100 x 100 metre quadrat, encompassing the standard 50 x 50 metre trapping grid and an additional 25 metre around all sides. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Three Park Savannah Fire-effects Plot Network’s program is provided at time period: 2015 to 2015
text: Nimiluk (Katherine Gorge) National Park
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