Researchers: Spooner, Michelle (Principal investigator) , De Deckker, Patrick (collaborator) , De Deckker, Patrick, Prof (collaborator)
Brief description We must understand the natural cycles of the oceans to understand the evolution of our climate through geological time. Core BAR 9403 was obtained in 1994 off the coast of Sumatra (5o49.20', 103o61.90'E By investigating the properties and components of this core we are able to reveal some information regarding past oceanographic and climatic systems. Information obtained or inferred from the core include the isotopic composition of oxygen and carbon through time, an age vs. depth profile of the core (revealing sedimentation rates), the relative abundance of planktonic foraminifera over time, and estimates of historical sea-surface temperatures.
Lineage Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlanned
Lineage Statement: Sample collected using a piston core. For isotope analysis carbonate tests of Gs. ruber were prepared, cleaned and then collected using 63mm mesh. Calculations of 13C and 18O at various depth were made by the Finnegan MAT 251 Mass Spectrometer at the Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University. The Mass spectrometer was run concurrently with international standards NBS-19 and NBS-18, and has a very small analytical error.
Lineage Statement: The chronology of the core was then deduced from oxygen isotope stratigraphy by correlating 18O values to the SPECMAP age-model. Relative abundances of planktonic foraminifera were based on counts of splits of the >150mm fractions to remove juvenile and possibly unidentifiable fragments. Each sample was split by an Otto-micro splitter until about 400 species were present in the final split. Sea-surface temps (SST) were estimated from planktonic foraminifera assemblage data using the modern analogue technique (MAT), in conjunction with the AUSMAT-F4 database. Each SST estimate was calculated as the mean of the best 10 analogues from the global database. None of the isotope values have been amended to account for the ice-volume effect on the foraminifera during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Oxygen isotope values are given every 5cm down into the core, with carbon missing a couple of data points at the deep end of the core. Given that the age vs. depth profile is based on 18O, the age has also been determined every 5cm. In relation to relative abundance of foraminifera, individuals were accurately identified to the species level. Sea-surface temperatures (SST) were estimated from planktonic foraminifera assemblage data. This has been collected every 5cm of the core. The most precise variable of SST is mean annual temperature, followed by Tmax, then Tmin. Most of the SST estimates are reasonably precise given that the samples have good analogues in the AUSMAT-F4 database. Estimates do however become a little less precise towards the end of the core in MIS 3 (30k yrs BP). Isotopic composition - parameters: Core depth (cm), oxygen-18 Gs.ruber (parts per thousand), carbon-13 Gs.ruber (parts per thousand). Age vs. depth - parameters: Core depth (cm), age (yrs BP). Relative abundance - parameters: Age of core (yrs BP), relative abundance of planktonic foraminifera assemblages (%). Estimated ocean temperatures - parameters: Age of core (yrs BP), mean water temperature (oC), maximum water temperature (oC), minimum water temperature (oC), depth of mixed layer (m), temperature at 50m, 100m and 150m (oC).
The Australian National University (ANU)
Funded by The National Oceans Office (NOO)
Funded by The Australian Research Council (ARC)
Funded by The French Polar Institute
Funded by The Australian Institute of Nuclear Science Engineering (AINSE)
Funded by The Murray Darling Basin Commission
To provide insight into general palaeoceanographic conditions in the north-eastern Indian Ocean that may link to patterns to be found within cores off the west and south coast of Australia.
Data time period: 1994-01-01 to 1994-01-01
text: westlimit=104; southlimit=-6; eastlimit=104.5; northlimit=-5.5
text: uplimit=2034; downlimit=2034
Core data - Leeuwin Current (aodn:bluenet_datasets_leeuwin_current)
- global : 63899a20-07f0-11dc-92a7-00188b4c0af8