
P2X7 mediated phagocytosis of apoptotic cells: a common mechanism underlies neurological and eye disorders [ 2013 - 2015 ]

Also known as: Genetic variations affecting clearance of unhealthy neurons lead to neurological diseases

Research Grant

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Researchers: Dr Ben Gu (Principal investigator) ,  Prof James Wiley Prof Paul Baird

Brief description We have found a strong genetic linkage between a protein called P2X7 and a number of neurological disorders, in line with our recent discovery of a novel function of this protein in clearance of dying cells as removal of unhealthy neurons is essential to keep brain function promptly. Further study using genetic association, cell biology and animal models will lead to a conceptual advance on how neurological diseases are occurred and developed.

Funding Amount $AUD 527,033.64

Funding Scheme Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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