Full description
The Otway flux station was established in February 2007 and is located on private land at Nirranda South. It is managed by CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research staff as part of the Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies . The Otway flux station is supported by CO2CRC. Equipment was provided by CO2CRC.Data time period: 08 02 2007 to 04 11 2011
Atmospheric Sciences |
Biological Sciences |
Earth Sciences |
Ecological Applications |
Ecology |
Environmental Sciences |
Earth Science - Atmosphere - Atmospheric Pressure |
Earth Science - Atmosphere - Atmospheric Radiation |
Earth Science - Atmosphere - Atmospheric Temperature |
Earth Science - Atmosphere - Atmospheric Water Vapour |
Earth Science - Atmosphere - Atmospheric Winds |
Earth Science - Atmosphere - Precipitation |
Earth Science - Land Surface - Soils |
Earth Science - Land Surface - Surface Radiative Properties |
Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience |
Soil Sciences |
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- Handle : 102.100.100/14222
- Local : MON866932c8-7b1f-4ae1-9e17-5f53155b1f91