Brief description
The digital Suburb/Locality Boundaries and their legal identifiers have been derived from the cadastre data from each state and territory jurisdiction and are available below.Suburb/Locality Boundaries are part of Geoscape Administrative Boundaries, which is built and maintained by [Geoscape Australia]( using authoritative government data. Further information about contributors to Administrative Boundaries is available [here](
The full Administrative Boundaries dataset comprises seven Geoscape products:
* Localities
* Local Government Areas (LGAs)
* Wards
* Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Boundaries,
* Electoral Boundaries
* State Boundaries and
* Town Points
Updated versions of Administrative Boundaries are published on a quarterly basis.
Users have the option to download datasets with feature coordinates referencing either GDA94 or GDA2020 datums.
** There were no updates in the November 2024 release **
** Notable changes in the August 2021 release: **
* The Localities, Local Government Areas and Wards products have been redesigned to provide a new flattened data model, offering a simpler, easier-to-use structure. This will also:
- change the composition of identifiers in these products.
- provide state identifiers as an abbreviation (eg. NSW) rather than a code.
- remove the static SA “Hundreds” data from Localities.
* More information on the changes to Localities, Local Government Areas and Wards is available [here](
* The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Boundaries will be updated to include the 2021 Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS).
* Further information on the August changes to Geoscape datasets is available [here](
Further information on Administrative Boundaries, including FAQs on the data, is available [here]( through Geoscape Australia’s network of [partners]( They provide a range of commercial products based on Administrative Boundaries, including software solutions, consultancy and support.
Note: On 1 October 2020, PSMA Australia Limited began trading as Geoscape Australia.
## License Information
The Australian Government has negotiated the release of Administrative Boundaries to the whole economy under an [open CCBY 4.0 license](
Users must only use the data in ways that are consistent with the Australian Privacy Principles issued under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
**Users must also note the following attribution requirements:**
_Preferred attribution for the Licensed Material:_
> _Administrative Boundaries © [Geoscape Australia]( licensed by the Commonwealth of Australia under_ [_Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0)_](
_Preferred attribution for Adapted Material:_
> _Incorporates or developed using Administrative Boundaries © [Geoscape Australia]( licensed by the Commonwealth of Australia under_ [_Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0)_](
Full description
NOV24 - OT - Localities - Esri Shapefiles - GDA94 - GDA94NOV24 - OT - Localities - Esri Shapefiles - GDA2020 - GDA2020
(Other) Suburb/Locality Boundaries - Geoscape Administrative Boundaries - Preview this Dataset (WMS) - View the data in this dataset online via an online map
(Other) Suburb/Locality Boundaries - Geoscape Administrative Boundaries Web Feature Service API Link - WFS API Link for use in Desktop GIS tools
(Other) Suburb/Locality Boundaries - Geoscape Administrative Boundaries GeoJSON - For use in web-based data visualisation of this collection
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