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By 2023, growers will have increased the value of the cropping phase in the HRZ farming system by 10% by addressing both crop yield potential and the gap between potential and realised yields.This trial aims to explore ways to optimise crop production in the HRZ.
This trial looks at verity types, deep ripping and sowing times as ways to maximise yields in the HRZ.
This trial aims to assess different treatments and there effectiveness in maximising water limited yield potentials.
Created: 2020
Issued: 21 10 2021
Data time period: 2020 to 2020
Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences |
Barley |
Crop and Pasture Production |
Cereal (Grain) |
Crop Type |
Soil amelioration Application Method |
Soil amelioration Type |
Sowing Timing |
Wheat |
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