Brief description
Geoscience Australia has the primary role in the delineation of Australia's domestic and international maritime limits and boundaries. An output of this activity is the development of the Australian Maritime Boundaries (AMB) data. AMB2014 is a GIS data product, replacing AMBIS 2006, providing access to the data for Australia's maritime zones. Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Storage Act 2006 - Australian Maritime Boundaries Dataset 2014 is a digital representation of the scheduled and offshore areas defined under this Act. In the event of an inconsistency between AMB data and the limits under any legislation, the latter prevails. The data have been published by Geoscience Australia in consultation with other relevant Commonwealth Government agencies including the Attorney-General's Department, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Australian Hydrographic Office. This version contains a number of technical amendments made on the basis of user feedback. These include: - Harmonisation of maritime boundaries, scheduled area and graticular block datasets in block SC51 Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Storage Act 2006 - Australian Maritime Boundaries Dataset 2014 comprise the scheduled and offshore areas defined under the Act. AMB Data can also be viewed on-line via AMSIS ( Product Specifications Coverage: Australia including all external territories Currency: May 2014. Coordinates: Geographical Datum: GDA94 (functionally equivalent to WGS84). Format: ESRI Geodatabase and REST web service - free online. The area of coverage of the AMB data is for the whole of the Australian marine jurisdiction which includes waters adjacent to the mainland, offshore islands and External Territories. The geographical extent is approximately between the latitude limits of 8 S to 70 S and the longitude limits 39 E to 174 E. This dataset includes the following disclaimers: AMB data is a digital representation of the territorial sea baseline and of the outer limits of Australia's maritime zones. The baseline and zones are established under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Storage Act 2006. In the event of an inconsistency between AMB data and the areas under the legislation, the latter prevails.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 2014
text: westlimit=92.0; southlimit=-63.0; eastlimit=175.0; northlimit=-7.0; projection=GDA94 (EPSG:4283)
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- DOI : 10.4225/25/5539E03D9B3DE
- URI :
- global : 132cbd8e-b008-0670-e053-12a3070add7e