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ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id=info:doi10.25900/a2k9-kj43&rft.title=OCTOPUS Database v.2: The SahulSed Aeolian TL collection&rft.identifier= of Wollongong&rft.description=Database of published thermoluminescence (TL) ages for aeolian sedimentary records from Sahul. Spatial data includes sample locations (point) and uses the WGS84/Pseudo-Mercator (EPSG: 3857) projected coordinate reference system. Sample metadata is comprehensive and includes bibliographic, contextual, and sample preparation and measurement related information.&rft.creator=Alexandru Codilean&rft.creator=David Price&rft.creator=Henry Munack&rft.creator=Paul Hesse&rft.creator=Rosaria Saktura&rft.creator=Timothy Cohen&rft.creator=Xiao Fu&rft.creator=Xue Rui& Access the data

Full description

Database of published thermoluminescence (TL) ages for aeolian sedimentary records from Sahul. Spatial data includes sample locations (point) and uses the WGS84/Pseudo-Mercator (EPSG: 3857) projected coordinate reference system. Sample metadata is comprehensive and includes bibliographic, contextual, and sample preparation and measurement related information.

Submitted: 29 10 2021

Data time period: 1987 - 2018

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